Unduh Video TikTok

Unduh video TikTok dengan mudah

Unlimited downloads

Unduhan tanpa batas

Simpan video sebanyak yang Anda butuhkan, tanpa batasan atau batasan lainnya.

No Watermark!

Tidak Ada Tanda Air TikTok!

Unduh video TikTok tanpa tanda air, itu menghilangkan logo TikTok.

MP4 and MP3 supported

MP4 dan MP3 didukung

Simpan video dalam kualitas hd, format file MP4, atau konversi ke audio MP3.

Unduh video TikTok tanpa tanda air

tiktokdown.me adalah alat gratis yang membantu Anda mengunduh video TikTok (sebelumnya Musically) tanpa tanda air online. Simpan video TikTok dengan kualitas terbaik dalam format file MP4 dengan resolusi HD. Untuk mengetahui cara menggunakan pengunduh video TikTok, ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini. Prosesnya sederhana - Anda dapat mengunduh TikTok tanpa video tanda air hanya dalam tiga langkah mudah.

Bagaimana cara mengunduh TikTok tanpa tanda air?

  1. Temukan TikTok putar video yang ingin Anda simpan ke perangkat seluler Anda, menggunakan aplikasi TikTok
  2. Salin tautannya klik "Bagikan" (tombol panah di atas video yang dipilih), lalu klik "Salin tautan"
  3. Unduh kembali ke Tiktok Video Downloader - Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark - TikTokDown.Me dan tempel tautan di bidang teks pada halaman dan klik tombol "Unduh"

Tiktok Video Downloader - Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark - TikTokDown.Me adalah salah satu alat paling populer untuk menyimpan video TikTok tanpa tanda air. Tidak perlu menginstal aplikasi apa pun untuk menggunakan layanan kami, yang Anda butuhkan hanyalah browser dan tautan yang valid untuk ditempelkan di kolom input di situs web Tiktok Video Downloader - Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark - TikTokDown.Me dan hapus tanda air dari video TikTok.

Ini adalah solusi sempurna untuk pasca-pengeditan dan penerbitan video.

Ini gratis. Anda dapat menyimpan file mp4 sebanyak yang Anda inginkan.

Pendaftaran tidak diperlukan. Cukup buka situs web kami dan tempel tautannya.

Unduh video TikTok tanpa tanda air dengan kecepatan tinggi.

Simpan TikTok tanpa tanda air di mp4 atau mp3 online.

Unduhan TikTok berfungsi di setiap browser dan sistem operasi.

Mastering TikTok: Download, Save, and Remove Watermarks Effortlessly

Mastering TikTok: Download, Save, and Remove Watermarks Effortlessly

TikTok, a global sensation, has taken the world by storm with its short, snappy videos that range from dance challenges to insightful mini-tutorials. While users love watching these videos, many also want to download them for offline viewing, remixing, or sharing on other platforms. So the guide will walk you through the intricacies of downloading, saving, and watermark removal on TikTok.

The Appeal of TikTok

TikTok's charm lies in its simplicity and raw, unfiltered content. Whether you're looking for comedic sketches, fashion tips, or cooking hacks, TikTok has something for everyone. Its algorithm, finely tuned to individual preferences, ensures that users stay hooked, often leading them down the proverbial "rabbit hole" of endless scrolling.

Why Save Without Watermarks?

Watermarks, often seen as a distraction, can take away from the aesthetics of a video. A watermark-less version is gold, especially for content creators who wish to remix or reuse videos. Moreover, a clean version enhances professionalism and visual appeal for those looking to share TikTok videos on other platforms.

TikTok Watermarks Unveiled

Watermarks are more than just brand symbols; they're an assertion of ownership, a deterrent against unauthorized use, and a method for brand promotion.

What is a Watermark?

A watermark is a recognizable image or pattern embedded into videos (or pictures) that indicates who owns the copyright of the original content. On TikTok, the watermark typically consists of the TikTok logo and the creator's username.

Why Does TikTok Use Them?

Watermarks serve multiple purposes for TikTok:

The Controversy Around Watermarks

While watermarks have their benefits, many users find them intrusive. They can detract from the visual experience and may pose challenges for those wanting to incorporate videos into presentations, remixes, or other content forms.

Your Top Questions Answered

How do I remove a watermark from a TikTok video?

While seemingly simple, watermarks are often intertwined with video content, making their removal challenging.

Understanding Watermarks in Digital Content

Digital watermarks are different from their traditional counterparts. Instead of being an overlay, they're often integrated into the Video, making them easier to remove with specialized tools or techniques.

The Art and Technique of Watermark Removal

Given the extensive detail required for each section, I've only covered a fraction of the full content. Let me know if you'd like to proceed further or if there are specific sections you'd prioritize!

Can you remove the TikTok watermark for free?

Many free tools are available in the digital era, and watermark removal is no exception.

Free Tools and Software Options Available

Pros and Cons of Free Watermark Removal

While free tools are undeniably attractive, they come with their own set of challenges.

How do I save TikTok without a watermark from drafts?

TikTok's draft feature allows creators to save their videos for later without posting them immediately. Sometimes, however, users wish to export these drafts without the watermark for various reasons.

The Anatomy of TikTok Drafts

When you create a video on TikTok but choose not to post it immediately, the platform saves it as a draft. These drafts are watermark-free within the app, but exporting them usually attaches to the watermark.

Step-by-step Guide to Saving from Drafts

  1. Open TikTok and Navigate to Profile: Click on the profile icon at the bottom right.
  2. Access Drafts: Here, you'll see a "Drafts" tab. Open it.
  3. Choose Your Video: Play the desired Video from the drafts.
  4. Share the Video Privately: Click the “...” or “Share” option and save the Video. Typically, this will keep the Video with a watermark.
  5. Alternative Method: Play the Video in drafts and screen record it. This way, you can capture the Video without the watermark. However, be cautious of potential quality loss.

How to remove a watermark?

Whether it's TikTok or any other platform, the concept of watermark removal remains consistent.

General Tips Beyond Just TikTok

Software Solutions and Techniques

How do I remove a watermark from a video?

Removing a watermark from any video, not just TikToks, requires a blend of art and technique. While some watermarks are easy to remove, others, especially those ingrained into the Video's content, can be tricky.

Identifying the Type of Watermark

Strategies for Different Types

Advanced Video Editing Techniques

Always consider copyright issues when removing watermarks. It's crucial to ensure you're not infringing on content rights.

How do I save a TikTok video to my phone?

One of TikTok's features that users appreciate is the ease with which they can save videos directly to their devices. Here's a quick guide:

  1. Open the Desired TikTok Video: Navigate to the Video you wish to keep.
  2. Click on the Share Icon: It typically looks like an arrow pointing right.
  3. Choose 'Save Video': This option will download the Video directly to your phone's gallery or camera roll.
  4. Alternative Method: If the 'Save Video' option isn't available, you can use the screen recording feature on your phone.

Note: The downloaded Video will have a watermark. Explore third-party tools or other methods discussed earlier if you want a version without the watermark.

How do I download a TikTok video?

While the method is similar to saving a video to your phone, downloading can sometimes refer to getting the Video on other devices or platforms.

How can I save a TikTok to my phone without posting?

For those moments when you've crafted a video but aren't ready to post:

  1. Create Your Video: Using the TikTok app, prepare your Video as usual.
  2. Proceed to the Post Page: Once you're done editing and are ready to post, click 'Next.'
  3. Skip Posting: Instead of clicking 'Post,' click the 'Save' icon at the top right. This will save the Video to your device.

Alternative Methods to Download TikTok Videos

While we've covered the direct methods and essential third-party tools, alternative ways exist to get your favorite TikTok videos without the watermark. These methods can be beneficial if standard procedures are inaccessible or ineffective.

Using Online Web Browsers

Several websites cater specifically to downloading TikTok videos without watermarks:

Android-Specific Apps

iOS Solutions

While Apple's App Store policies might be stricter, there are still options:

The Ethics and Legality of Removing Watermarks

It's vital to remember that while technology provides us with tools to modify content, there are ethical and legal considerations.

Respecting Content Creators

Creators spend significant time and effort on their videos. Watermarks serve as a form of recognition. By removing them, we risk disrespecting their contribution and potentially violating copyrights.

Fair Use and Copyright Laws

In many jurisdictions, downloading and distributing content without permission is illegal. Ensure you're familiar with and adhere to your country's copyright regulations.

Asking for Permission

A straightforward yet often overlooked method is simply asking the content creator for permission to use their Video without the watermark. Many might permit you, especially if it's for non-commercial purposes.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Like any tech-related task, you might encounter issues when downloading TikTok videos or removing watermarks.

Video Quality Reduction

After downloading or removing watermarks, the video quality might degrade. Solutions:

Incomplete Downloads

Sometimes, videos might only download partially.

Watermark Removal Isn't Perfect

Removing watermarks, especially from the center of a video, can be challenging. Sometimes, traces remain. In such cases:


With its massive global popularity, TikTok has become integral to many people's digital lives. Whether you're a content creator, a remix artist, or someone who wants their favorite videos offline, knowing how to download and tweak TikTok videos is invaluable.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. While it's technologically possible to download, save, and edit videos, always respect content creators and legal boundaries.

Some Related And Most Frequently Asked Questions!

Is it illegal to remove watermarks from TikTok videos?

It depends on the intent and use. It can be unlawful to violate copyright or use content without permission.

Why is the quality of my downloaded Video not as good as the original?

Downloads, especially from third-party tools, can sometimes compress the Video, leading to quality loss.

Can I use TikTok videos in my commercial project?

Only if you have explicit permission from the content creator and you're not violating any copyrights.

Please write in English language.

Cara mengunduh video TikTok di PC

Metode ini universal dan nyaman. File akan disimpan tanpa merek dagang dengan kualitas terbaik. Ini bekerja dengan sempurna di Windows, Mac OS, dan Linux. Pengguna PC tidak diharuskan menginstal aplikasi tambahan apa pun untuk menyimpan video TikTok, dan ini merupakan nilai tambah lainnya saat menggunakan metode ini.

Untuk menggunakan aplikasi Tiktok Video Downloader - Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark - TikTokDown.Me di PC, laptop (Windows 7, 10), Mac, atau laptop, Anda perlu menyalin tautan dari situs web.

Selanjutnya, kembali ke alat Tiktok Video Downloader - Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark - TikTokDown.Me dan tempel tautan di bidang teks di halaman utama. Setelah itu, Anda perlu mengklik tombol "Unduh" untuk mendapatkan tautannya.

TikTok downloader on PC

Cara mengunduh video TikTok di iPhone atau iPad (iOS)

Jika Anda adalah pemilik iPhone atau iPad, Anda perlu menginstal aplikasi Documents by Readdle dari App Store.

Karena kebijakan keamanan Apple, pengguna iOS yang memulai dengan versi ke-12 tidak dapat menyimpan video TikTok langsung dari browser. Salin tautan file TikTok apa pun melalui aplikasi, dan luncurkan Documents by Readdle.

Di sudut kanan bawah layar, Anda akan melihat ikon browser web. Klik itu.

Saat browser terbuka, buka tiktokdown.me dan tempel tautan di bidang teks. Pilih opsi yang Anda suka dan tekan tombol lagi. Video akan disimpan ke perangkat Anda.

TikTok downloader on iOS

Tidak, Anda tidak perlu membayar apa pun, karena layanan kami selalu gratis! Kami mendukung semua browser modern seperti Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, dll.

Tidak. Untuk menyimpan dan menghapus tanda air dari TikTok online, Anda hanya perlu tautan. Tempelkan ke kolom input dan pilih format yang sesuai untuk konversi. Penghapus tanda air TikTok kami akan melakukan sisanya.

Saat Anda menyimpan dari TikTok tanpa merek dagang, file biasanya disimpan ke lokasi default Anda. Di pengaturan browser Anda, Anda dapat mengubah dan secara manual memilih folder tujuan untuk video TikTok yang Anda unduh.

Tidak, Anda tidak perlu memiliki akun TikTok. Anda dapat meluncurkan unduhan video TikTok ketika Anda memiliki tautan ke sana, cukup tempelkan ke kolom input di bagian atas halaman dan klik Unduh. Layanan unduhan TikTok kami akan menghapus tanda air dari TikTok dan video akan siap digunakan dalam beberapa detik.

Penghemat video TikTok kami tidak dapat mengakses konten akun pribadi dan tidak dapat menyimpan video dari sana. Anda harus memastikan akun tersebut bersifat publik agar kami dapat menyimpan video untuk Anda.

Buka aplikasi TikTok dan Pilih video yang ingin Anda simpan. Klik "Bagikan" lalu "Salin Tautan". Unduhan video TikTok Anda tanpa URL tanda air sudah siap di papan klip Anda.